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14 Members Of The US Congress School EPA On Bitcoin Mining And Green Energy |

EPA, Facility flaring natural gas

The Environmental Protection Agency or EPA continues to get mail. This time, 14 individuals from Congress gave the contrast and singled out the natural advantages of bitcoin mining. They likewise made a point about how vital this industry is, and the harm the USA would cause for itself by prohibiting it. Furthermore, they educated the EPA on how much sustainable source-based energy currently in play all around the industry.

BREAKING: 14 individuals from Congress send letter to the EPA, advising them regarding the advantageous natural and monetary effects of #Bitcoin Proof-of-Work mining.

— Dennis Porter (@Dennis_Porter_) June 16, 2022

Podcaster and bitcoin social reporter Dennis Porter made it known and gave the full text. It begins with a bang, the as opposed to erupting gaseous petrol contention. “As you know, a substantial portion of digital asset miners’ energy use is based on renewable sources. Additionally, many miners use other power sources, like natural gas, that may otherwise go unused.” Using gas that generally would be erupted is more than carbon-unbiased or net-zero, it’s actually environment positive.

Then, the 14 individuals from Congress hit the EPA with genuine outcomes. “Bitcoin mining that utilizes flared gas is also reducing methane emissions in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, West Virginia, Ohio, and North Dakota.” It’s as ESG Analyst and ClimateTech VC, Daniel Batten’s new study puts it:

“And Batten and company say that’s “the only way” on the grounds that the bitcoin mining industry has “the unique combination of being location-agnostic, mobile and interruptible makes Bitcoin mining the only economically feasible use case for the two major sources of leaking methane emissions examined in this paper.”

Besides obsoleting methane erupting, bitcoin mining has another substantial advantage that the EPA should be aware of: balancing out the lattice. “Digital asset mining can have a substantial stabilizing effect on energy grids. It maintains robust baseload levels, yet it can be switched off quickly in times of peak demand.”

Does The EPA Care About The Economic Future Of The USA?

One thing’s without a doubt, legislatures can’t actually boycott bitcoin mining. They can prohibit themselves from bitcoin mining. Does that give a net benefit to the country that attempts? Or on the other hand does it just damage the residents and put them in a tough spot? The text from the 14 Congress individuals to the EPA is just about the USA, however individuals from different nations should accept notes.

“Most importantly, digital assets, and their related mining activities, are essential to the economic future of the United States. Other countries are rapidly moving to adopt digital assets and are attracting large amounts of capital and talent in the hopes of growing their own financial services sectors as digital assets and distributed ledger technology are widely adopted in the coming decade.”

What “other countries” would they say they are alluding to here? Might it at any point be El Salvador, the little motor that could? Or on the other hand would they say they are talking about the Central African Republic, which just began its bitcoin venture? The “coming decade” will intrigue, no doubt. Then, the 14 individuals from Congress shock the world by not blaming everything on Proof-Of-Stake frameworks before the EPA.

“Treasury Secretary Yellen articulated it best last week when she stated regulation should also be “tech neutral.” Favoring one innovation over another, including evidence of-work versus verification of-stake, can smother advancement, disintegrate future monetary gains, and breaking point associated efficiencies.”

Let the market choose, EPA. Do it for innovation.

BTC cost diagram for 06/18/2022 on BinaceUS | Source: BTC/USD on

This Is The Third Letter The EPA Gets

The 14 individuals from Congress end their EPA request with a devoted tone:

“American leadership in digital asset technologies is essential to ensuring the next generation of Americans can enjoy the prosperity and opportunity that our country has been blessed with. As you evaluate the potential environmental issues surrounding digital assets, the critical role that responsible innovation will play in our long-term economic future cannot be overlooked.”

That seems OK when you understand that this letter is a reaction to a past one the EPA got. In April, different individuals from Congress showed their absence of fair research in an embarrassing letter that is brimming with lies like this trivial few:

“PoW-based cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, and Zcash. A single Bitcoin transaction could power the average U.S. household for a month. According to estimates by researchers, Bitcoin produces annually carbon emissions comparable to Greece.”

How could individuals in control at any point utilize absurd and obviously exposed proclamations like, “a single Bitcoin transaction could power the average U.S. household for a month”? Might it be said that they are not mindful that Digiconomist, the uncredited source, works for the Dutch Central Bank? Irreconcilable situation to the side, his numbers won’t ever add up. Since they’re lies.

In any case, the Bitcoin Mining Council answered that letter’s wild mistakes in a moment letter to the EPA endorsed by any semblance of Michael Saylor and Jack Dorsey. However, they didn’t cover the advantages that the bitcoin mining industry offers the world. What’s more, that is the reason this third letter was necessary.

Highlighted Image by jplenio from Pixabay | Charts by TradingView

Methane, oil rig

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