December 20, 2024


Cryptocurrency News

Bitcoin Mining Industry Is Still Led By US

Bitcoin Mining Industry Is Still Led By US

When China made its departure from the Bitcoin mining industry, it was the US that overtook the burden created by China. Since June-July, 2021, the US has been dominating and leading the industry which involves the minting of the world’s most expensive digital currency, Bitcoin.

As per the mining map belonging to, Bitcoin’s biggest mining pool has been situated in none other country but the US. The map suggests that the US alone is providing Bitcoin a hashrate of more than 66.22 (EH/s). This hashrate represents more or less 35.4% of the global Bitcoin hashrate. The second in command country in terms of Bitcoin hashrate is Canada which has been pooling 17.87 EH/s to Bitcoin. Globally, Canada has been supplying 9.55% of the total hashpower to Bitcoin. The two neighboring countries are collectively contributing approximately 45% of Bitcoin’s hashrate worldwide.

Before the US took over the charge of being a leader in Bitcoin mining, it was China that held the title for many years. However, China got interested in transforming its national currency into digital currency and suspending Bitcoin mining completely. As a result, a huge burden of mining was created which continued to ripe every day. At the same time, an opportunity was created for leading the Bitcoin mining industry and potentially the US was considered the best alternate. The Crypto community started to look at the US and suggested that while the opportunity is there, the US shouldn’t wait to grab it. The opportunity was then gladly taken by miners in the US and since July 2021, US miners are leading the Bitcoin mining industry.

Some of the top US Bitcoin miners include names such as Foundry US, Binance USA, Antpool US,, F2Pool USA, Slushpool US, etc. Past 30-data of Bitcoin mining shows that these US Bitcoin mining pools are currently the leading Bitcoin miners worldwide. For instance, Foundry US has been the lead Bitcoin miner which has alone captured a total of 755 Bitcoin blocks. In the last 30 days, Foundry US supplied a total of 16.87% hashrate to Bitcoin.

Antpool was the second leading miner after Foundry US. It successfully found 659 Bitcoin blocks in the past 30 days while it contributed hashrate of 14.72%.

The States of Florida, California, Colorado, Oregon, Virginia, New Jersey, etc. are the states hosting the top eight Bitcoin miners of the world.

In addition, the top US Bitcoin miners have developed their mining operations outside the US as well. For example, three of the US Bitcoin miners namely SBI Crypto, Huobi, and have established mining facilities in Germany also. While mining facilities have been established in Japan, Amsterdam, and Hong Kong by Slushpool, Antpool, and Okex respectively.

Although Bitcoin’s value has reduced to half of it in recent times, miners have been keeping the process high somehow.

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