March 11, 2025


Cryptocurrency News

Charge Gates: Crypto Has No Valuable Output — It’s Not Adding to Society Like Other Investments – Featured Bitcoin News

Bill Gates: Crypto Is 'Not Adding to Society Like Other Investments'

Microsoft prime supporter Bill Gates has made sense of why he doesn’t possess any bitcoin or other cryptographic forms of money. “I like investing in things that have valuable output,” Gates said, adding that crypto is “not adding to society like other investments.”

Bill Gates on Crypto, and Why He Isn’t Investing

Microsoft prime supporter Bill Gates imparted his insight about bitcoin and digital forms of money in a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) meeting Thursday.

One of the inquiries he was posed was “What do you think about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies?” Gates replied:

I don’t claim any. I like putting resources into things that have significant output.

He added: “The value of companies is based on how they make great products. The value of crypto is just what some other person decides someone else will pay for it so not adding to society like other investments.”

Gates’ position on cryptographic money repeats that of Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett. The Oracle of Omaha made sense of exhaustively why he wouldn’t put resources into bitcoin or cryptographic money prior this month.

“It doesn’t produce anything,” Buffett portrayed BTC, taking note of that he wouldn’t pay $25 for all of the bitcoin on the planet. “What would I do with it? I’d have to sell it back to you one way or another. It isn’t going to do anything,” he opined.

The Microsoft fellow benefactor and co-seat of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has for some time been a pundit of bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

In February last year, he said he didn’t claim bitcoin, adding that he has taken “a neutral view.” However, he likewise said crypto was one tech advancement the world would be in an ideal situation without. Doors noted: “The way cryptocurrency works today allows for certain criminal activities. It’d be good to get rid of that.”

Gates additionally remarked on Tesla CEO Elon Musk possessing bitcoin in February last year. “Elon has tons of money, and he’s very sophisticated, so I don’t worry that his bitcoin will randomly go up or down,” Microsoft fellow benefactor said. “If you have less money than Elon, you should probably watch out,” he warned.

What do you contemplate Bill Gates’ remarks about bitcoin and cryptographic money? Tell us in the remarks area below.

Kevin 200x200 closeup

Kevin Helms

An understudy of Austrian Economics, Kevin tracked down Bitcoin in 2011 and has been an evangelist from that point forward. His inclinations lie in Bitcoin security, open-source frameworks, network impacts and the convergence among financial aspects and cryptography.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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