Running contrary to current trend With Bitcoin

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Mike Hobart returns for Episode 30 with C.J. Wilson, cohost of “Bitcoin Bottom Line,” for a live transmission from the Bitcoin22 conference.
The two start by talking about the gathering, meeting famous people in the Bitcoin space and the oncoming one year commemoration of El Salvador reporting their arrangement to make Bitcoin legitimate delicate. Hobart said, “El Salvador making the move was like the one person willing to go against the flow. Since that country doesn’t have a history of innovation in that way, people didn’t follow them right away.” Wilson answered, “Things are changing.”
The two proceed to talk about the job that bitcoin is playing in the ongoing conflict among Russia and Ukraine, and how the cash is helping the Ukrainian government. Wilson go on by referencing, “If the government is running out of FUD [fear uncertainty and doubt] weapons, and Bitcoin is growing at the same time, you’re going to have more voices that can attack those FUD vectors faster.”
Hobart shares about the arrival of an article through Bitcoin Magazine in which he talked with one of Bitcoin Twitter’s number one female characters, HumbleWarrior, and she discussed how bitcoin made her worth wellbeing in another manner. “With health, it’s all proof of work,” he proceeds, “If we don’t have new kids to grow the economy, in terms of not only consumption but new thoughts and ideas, we don’t solve the problems.”
Listen to the full episode for more!
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