
Cryptocurrency News

Bitcoin Undergoes Increased Volatility During European Trading Sessions Following April’s Halving Event

2 min read

    <h2>Blockchain Activity Insights</h2>
    <p><strong>GLOSSARY: </strong><i>The</i><i> indicated analytics represent the percentage difference in Bitcoin's valuation over the past 30 days commencing within the typical business hours of Europe, which are 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. CET (07:00-19:00 UTC) for Central European Time and 06:00-18:00 UTC for Central European Summer Time.</i></p>
    <p>In recent times, Bitcoin's pricing within the European markets has showcased considerable month-to-month variances. The first six months of 2024 have observed notable fluctuations in price volatility subsequent to the cryptocurrency's halving in April.</p>
    <p>The progression of Bitcoin's value through European trading hours, from the start of January to mid-March, demonstrated a clear ascending pattern, punctuated by several bouts of propelling growth. Yet, the prevailing trend experienced a stark reversal after the halving, illustrated by a pronounced downturn in May, indicative of heightened sell-off activities and a persisting bearish trajectory, with only a transient period of recovery witnessed in early June.</p>
    <figure id="attachment_429492" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-429492" style="width: 1800px" class="wp-caption aligncenter">
      <img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="wp-image-429492 size-full" src="" alt="Bitcoin: EU Month Over Month Price Change: (Source: Glassnode)" width="1800" height="1013" srcset=" 1800w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 1800px) 100vw, 1800px"/>
      <figcaption id="caption-attachment-429492" class="wp-caption-text">Bitcoin: EU Month Over Month Price Change: (Source: Glassnode)</figcaption>
    <p>When set against a backdrop of historical fluctuations, this data underlines a pattern of volatility in proximity to major market events. Comparable scenarios were witnessed during the boom cycles of 2017 and 2021, where substantial price oscillations occurred, especially amidst pivotal regulatory shifts and market adjustments. The current dynamic seems to be in alignment with such historical trends, reinforcing the concept that events like the halving continue to exert a substantial influence on Bitcoin's price movements in the European market hours.</P>
    <figure id="attachment_429493" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-429493" style="width: 1800px" class="wp-caption aligncenter">
      <img decoding="async" class="wp-image-429493 size-full" src="" alt="Bitcoin: EU Month Over Month Price Change: (Source: Glassnode)" width="1800" height="1013" srcset=" 1800w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 1800px) 100vw, 1800px"/>
      <img decoding="async" class="lazyload wp-image-429493 size-full" src="" alt="Bitcoin: EU Month Over Month Price Change: (Source: Glassnode)" width="1800" height="1013" srcset=" 1800w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w" data-sizes="(max-width: 1800px) 100vw, 1800px"/>
      <figcaption id="caption-attachment-429493" class="wp-caption-text">Bitcoin: EU Month Over Month Price Change: (Source: Glass wnode)</figcaption>

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#Bitcoin #experiences #heightened #volatility #trading #hours #postApril #halving

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