Arizona State University to Step Into the Metaverse

Arizona State University (ASU) – one of the greatest state funded colleges in the States – plans to join the Metaverse and Web3 environments. It likewise plans to deliver non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for verifying occasion tickets and certificates.
ASU to Conduct Classes in a ‘Virtual Environment’
A series of brand name filings with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) revealed that the college’s future contributions could remember NFTs and holding addresses for virtual reality.
ASU means to give computerized collectibles for both in-house occasions and such inside its understudies’ grounds. NFTs portraying the college’s games features are additionally expected to come around. Leading virtual classes, gatherings, and different tasks in the Metaverse is one more objective set before the institute.
In a new tweet, Josh Gerben – brand name lawyer and Founder of Gerben Perrott – affirmed the rumors.
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