March 9, 2025


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Iran Chamber of Commerce Hosts ‘Engineering in Metaverse’

Iran Chamber of Commerce Hosts 'Architecture in Metaverse’

Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture is facilitating en occasion named “Design in the Metaverse” today in participation with Iran-Finland Joint Chamber of Commerce and Nextvest Group.
The occasion is held from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. through Lahzenegar stage, ICCIMA reported on its website.
Architects are popular to plan virtual structures as a ‘digital land rush’ happens in the arising metaverse, as per The Architects’ Journal.
The surge of brands and organizations searching for a ‘metaverse presence’ is making a cabin industry of draftsmen and originators creating 3D models of structures (there is less work for engineers, as the properties will not need to really stand up).
Stavros Zachariades, a partner at Squire and Partners, is as of now planning his first metaverse project. He says planners are now working with 3D programming, a considerable lot of which have document designs that can be transferred to the metaverse. ‘The barrier is quickly dissolving. If you can use SketchUp, blender or Unreal Engine, you can pretty much design for the metaverse.’

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