NFT Pioneer Olive Allen Wants to Introduce the Art World to the Metaverse. Her Vision Looks Nothing Like Zuckerberg’s

The metaverse is an elevated, undefined idea. It’s additionally a violet-hued retail facade on Franklin Street in New York.
At least that is the thought behind Olive Allen’s new display at Postmasters Gallery, which implies to reproduce the Web3 world inside the white 3D square. The title serves as an inauspicious greeting: “Welcome to the Metaverse.”
A assortment of new NFTs contains the greater part of the show’s contributions, going from collaged computerized compositions to a movement of a lavish virtual scene to a few craftsman planned symbols. The last option pack filter as send-up of Bored Apes, CryptoPunks, and other collectible characters. One elements a Furby decked out in streetwear, another a bull-bear mixture with market outline bolts on its midsection. They look foolish, and that is the point.
With its modest, roller-arena lighting and buggy soundtrack, Allen’s presentation doesn’t really catch the substance of the metaverse — essentially not the idealistic vision sold by Mark Zuckerberg and other tech evangelists. Yet, it gets at a portion of the influences we partner with the word in 2022: ’90s sentimentality, corporate co-optation, computer game style, venomous answer fellow flows.
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