If NFTs are “worthless”, how come I have written a third novel about NFTs saving the future?

After unforeseeable problems with Elon Musk’s public image, my publishers delayed my debut young adult novel about teenagers saving the future using NFTs. I rolled with the punches, fighting back against Musk’s cult of personality with a bold new direction for the future of the ‘chain in the second novel of my Non-Fungible Future series. Well. I had expected both books to be in your hands already (and on the bestseller list), but now my publishers are concerned by that report declaring “the vast majority of NFTs are worthless”. Well then! As we say on the Infobahn: when Turing closes a crypto exchange, he opens an ICO. So in the wake of Cyber Monday, I now present to you a sneak peek at my third Non-Fungible Future novel, a mint read I call ‘Worthless’.
The sky above the port was the colour of… 5arah.eth didn’t know and she did not care. She sat on the harbour wall, staring down past her combat boots. Trash. A faded haggis ramen pot overturned in the scorched silt. Trash. A crack revealing strata of vape pens, LaserDiscs, and bags for life. All of it, trash. The melted bumper of the weed-green Tesla Model X once owned by… she couldn’t even say his name. Everything, trash. Two empty bottles of Irn-Bru Kombucha rising like the legs of Ozymandias. 5arah snorted. Look on my apes, ye Mighty, and despair!
“Worthless,” they’d declared. Most NFTs were “worthless.” The greatest artistic movement since The Big BSoD, the greatest proof of the power of the blockchain, the very future of the whole funging Infobahn, and the hedgie soybean-counters say it’s all “worthless.” And people believed them! 5arah wanted to believe in humanity, to trust in a shared desire for freedom and creativity and joy and hope, but if they couldn’t even see the value of niftys… That thought was too much to handle right now, so she marked it Unread for later.
5arah.eth pulled up her AR overlay and jacked into her crypotwallet with her authentication gesture, pointing a fingergun up under her chin and firing. The nifty collection once envied by so many swirled around her in a double helix of data. Her middle finger twitched unconsciously as she scrolled, a habit she’d developed after her class at Jolt Cola Presents: LearnZone #C90103’s trip to the local Razer Museum. She’d been fascinated by a ‘mouse’, rolling the scrollwheel back and forth while rolling the word across her lips. Apparently it was named after some extinct animal? Hypnotised by its colourful pulsing LEDs, she’d fallen so deeply into this meditative motion and mantra that she almost missed her timeslot for a holoselfie with Min-Liang Tan’s avatar. She kept scrolling through the “worthless” collection the blockchain proved—PROVED—she owned.
Six StonedApes, including two with the coveted septum tattoos. God rolls for every gun in Gods Of Combat—even those outwith the current meta, just in case. A menagerie of StonedCatz, StonedDogz, StonedImagineBabyz, and so on, and so on. Enough hats, garments, and skins for different games and cyberspaces to clothe half the Infobahn. The title to a square foot of land in Glencoe 2.0. A hangar’s worth of spaceships for an MMO which shut down 17 years ago. The video of Ian Falcon’s final 720 noscope. Eight Pet Rox. A vast library of ‘fakes’ and ‘scams’ collected as curios proving the hedgies can’t control the ‘chain. A 420-minute album of hag house music generated with her handle as the seed. The digital rights to the molars of some guy in New Jersey. The cover art to something called 1/1: A Non-Fungible Future… huh, why does this feel so familiar? An entire rack of Ed Hardy BMXs. The genetic sequence of a redwood. A ringtone whose ledger proved it was once owned by… ugh she quickly transferred ownership of that one to a nearby e-gull. Renders of assorted proprietary video game characters. At least a dozen 69th mintings which 5arah had picked up because, well, you know. Wait. Go back. There it was.
The nifty in question was a portrait of an old guy from some game named Civilization but what caught her eye was the caption: “Keep your mind open, and be the change you want to see in the world.” 5arah’s lip curled into a sneer, then spread into a smile. She knew what to do. Yet again, the ‘chain had the answer. She laughed. “Worthless,” they say.
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