Marina Abramović Interview On Launch Of First NFT –

Widely acclaimed execution craftsman Marina Abramović is sending off her very first NFT in the not so distant future, of “The Hero” (2001), one of her most private presentation pieces.
In the first piece, Abramović sat on the back of a white horse, bearing a white banner waving effortlessly in the breeze, set against a sweeping scene of trees and sky in Spain. The piece, delivered as a film, was a recognition for her then-as of late departed father, who was a Yugoslavian conflict legend during World War II.
Abramović, who was brought into the world in Belgrade, Serbia in 1946, is presently returning to that work as a team with The Cultural Institute of Radical Contemporary Art (CIRCA) in London. The film will be screened from June 13 to August 13 on an organization of screens going from Piccadilly Lights in London and Times Square in New York, the entire way to COEX K-Pop Square in Seoul, South Korea.
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