
Cryptocurrency News

This August, Avatar Owners Can Win Exclusive NFT Rewards from The Sandbox

2 min read

A special set of exclusive NFTs set in The Sandbox metaverse are being given away as monthly rewards for this August Edition to owners of avatars from official collections.

How to Earn August Rewards (Even Without an Avatar)

A snapshot of wallets holding eligible avatars was taken on July 26th at 3 PM UTC, so if you’ve been an avatar owner before this snapshot has taken, you are now eligible to start claiming rewards for this month until August 30th, 3 PM UTC. It won’t be possible to redeem this month’s items after this deadline.

The main reward holders can claim straight away is the Rubber Duck Buoy NFT, who you may have seen hiding in some metaverse experiences from previous Alpha Seasons. This can be easily claimed on the official Claim Page, where you can also see the amount of time left to claim each item.

With the Rubber Duck Buoy NFT claimed, you are now set to begin your adventure of collecting all the rewards for this month, which include 4 additional NFTs plus 5 $SAND tokens.

By holding the NFT and logging in to the voxel-based metaverse to play any experience at least one day during this month, you will be able to unlock the Quack Hat NFT. If you do the same for 3 days, you’ll be able to claim the Tufted Duck Topiary Balloon NFT and the Duck Slippers NFTs. Going on a 7-day streak will be rewarded with the Shoulder Perched Duckling and 5 $SAND, and with that you’ll have successfully grabbed all the rewards for this month.

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#Sandbox #Giving #Exclusive #NFT #Rewards #Avatar #Owners #August

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