A resident of British Columbia, who misappropriated close to 1,000 bitcoins valued at approximately $13 million for his own personal...
Please find the rewritten content below, with HTML tags intact: <a target="_blank" href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMigAJBVV95cUxQa01XOENhVkJJdXZvUlhpRTREVXJSa2ZWd3hOSEY3Q3FoQ2pzZi1YSWVKRWZRQS16U1NCTEFiQ2lzM1VwQUNZbWZ6SVkwVmFDazY1d3FSal85YVVXbGphU1hoajRSRTlBdDZ4NHFhN01NNWxFUGRoSFVUM3VsQUdIQmV0a2FnSTdhOWM2bFR1ck50ZXVuaG1COW1iU3BZbHctamNWS2lIVGFLMWdqUTNwVjhIM2pkMDFoeENBX2E3M0HadHpEeTBLMDNIbnh5SzNGQ3ZwcW54blBPcDYwS1NWbW5HcEdSWUlZUmtjMjVtMEIzekJQc0FOZWVZbllFS3lH?oc=5" target="_blank">In Cryptocurrency Enforcement, B.C. Regulators Levy $18M...
A UK pension fund has decided to add Bitcoin to its balance sheet, making it a pioneering move in the...
An enforcement action has been taken against a cryptocurrency exchange based in the Cayman Islands, resulting in a prohibition against...
The British Columbia Securities Commission's hearing panel has imposed a financial penalty of half a million dollars on a defunct,...
The Financial Conduct Authority hasn't registered a crypto firm in six months. The regulator says firms fail to meet its...
<div> <p class="font-24 line-1p5 letter-sp-02"><span style="font-weight: 400;">An inquiry by a committee of the <a target="_blank" href="https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/organizational-structure/ministries-organizations/crown-corporations/british-columbia-securities-commission/">British Columbia Securities Commission</a> (BCSC)...
The British digital currency platform Lykke has temporarily halted its exchange operations following the apparent theft of approximately $22 million...
```html Michael Patryn, the cofounder of the now-defunct QuadrigaCX cryptocurrency exchange, may face the forfeiture of sizable assets, including cash,...
The Financial Conduct Authority published new rules for promoting financial products on social media. The FCA identified crypto memes as...