GameSquare is entering the metaverse with the announcement of Moonlight Studios, a division dedicated to creating custom experiences in popular...
Arman Shirinyan Corrections in the crypto market have not been uniform Discover U.TODAY at Google News The XRP market is...
rewrite this content and keep HTML tags Napster signs leading independent Chicago rap, funk, and R&B artist Ric Wilson as...
Walmart expanded its immersive shopping and metaverse ambitions for 2024, announcing a new partnership with the software development company Unity....
GOGA, the innovative new cryptocurrency, marks a significant step forward in the metaverse realm, focusing on creating meta classrooms, event...
Quick take: Reebok and Futureverse have launched “Reebok Impact”, an AI-powered digital shoe experience. The collaboration blends AI, web3, gaming,...
Chappyz recently announced the details of its strategic partnership with MoonPass, the new token management portal. This collaboration is set...
Discover how Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are setting the stage for a more transparent, equitable, and...
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their very own. You are studying Entrepreneur India, a world franchise of Entrepreneur Media....
Fast take: Roblox is introducing new experiences for customers aged 17 years and above. The Social metaverse gaming platform desires...