In a groundbreaking collaboration, Portal, a prominent player in Web3 distribution, has joined forces with Futureverse, a pioneer in AI...
Futureverse and Animoca Brands have formed a strategic partnership to expedite the implementation of blockchain-based metaverse technologies. Both companies share...
Futureverse, a well-financed AI and metaverse company, has formed Readyverse Studios in partnership with Ready Player One author Ernest Cline....
Quick take: Reebok and Futureverse have launched “Reebok Impact”, an AI-powered digital shoe experience. The collaboration blends AI, web3, gaming,...
Futureverse, a startup formed out of 11 different firms, has raised $54 million in Series A round led by 10T...
Dialog Axiata PLC, Sri Lanka’s premier connectivity supplier, launched ‘Divinci’ - Sri Lanka’s first metaverse artwork exhibition, showcasing distinctive digital...
‘Our businesses are more at risk than profit-making banks and financial institutions’, they are saying by Sanath Nanayakkare The Nationwide...