'Attack on Titan: Invasion' is a tower defense game set in The Sandbox metaverse, based on the popular Attack on...
The American Egg Board is connecting with Millennial and Gen Z consumers through a unique in-game activation on Roblox. The...
In an interview with The Verge, Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney outlined his big plans for the rest of the...
Author: Asher, Odaily Planet Daily On October 15, blockchain game developer Azra Games announced on the X platform that it...
Video game developer Epic Games is aiming to merge Fortnite, Minecraft, and Roblox into an interoperable metaverse. The company plans...
Hamster Kombat is looking towards the future with ambitious plans after the successful launch of its HMSTR token and airdrop...
Press Release, Orbis Research By thoroughly understanding these leaders strategies and performances, stakeholders can significantly enhance their competitive edge....
GameFi has long been a leading sector in Web3, but there are still very few projects that truly bring together...
The concept of the metaverse has been around since the 1990s, but it only gained popularity among the general public...
Metaverse gamers are about to have a new and unique experience when playing metaverse games, as Meta has announced that...