Ready Player One is a story about desperate people seeking escape from a collapsing society within the confines of a...
The recent surge of Bitcoin (BTC) price resembles the all-time high historic bullish market of the coin in 2021. According...
Bitcoin Ordinals, the network’s version of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have seen a resurgence after months of slow activity. This has...
3. Boosting unbiased collaborationWhen employees collaborate in VR spaces represented by avatars, they are able to connect regardless of geographical,...
The metaverse is a virtual world where users share experiences and interact in real-time within simulated scenarios. The metaverse market...
The RetailX Metaverse Almanac 2023 report, available to read online now, looks at which retailers are investing in the metaverse...
Crypto players invest in pursuit of profitability, and as new solutions emerge, new projects attract the interest of major participants...
The NFT space is a rapidly growing sector within the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. NFTs are unique digital assets that...
A lawyer has defined why the U.S. Securities and Alternate Fee (SEC) will possible lose if the regulator takes crypto...
Each science fiction writer tries to think about the longer term. However only a few get what Neal Stephenson is...