Visualize a world where your digital assets are not only secure but also actively working for you, generating returns while...
Imagine wrapping yourself in the rich history of Japan, donning a Yukata that carries centuries of tradition, only this time,...
The Metropolitan Government of Tokyo has introduced a virtual Tokyo Metaverse on Roblox to promote the city as a tourist...
Imagine a world where every citizen, regardless of their location or language, can access government services with a simple voice...
Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis introduced the Mumbai Megapolis Metaverse at the Mumbai Tech Week on Tuesday as part...
In the swiftly evolving landscape of digital technology, a groundbreaking fusion is underway that promises to reshape our world. Artificial...
Metaverse interoperability is a mouthful, but also potentially a headache for the music industry. At least, that’s the view of...
Indian Music Industry (IMI), an apex body representing music recording players, is protesting against Meta's proposal to make metaverse interoperable....
The Metaverse is a new frontier in project management, and I am excited to explore its impact on how we...
The metaverse represents an unprecedented opportunity to redefine human connection and collaboration. This expansive virtual realm interweaving digital and physical...