Square Enix, the renowned publisher behind the “Final Fantasy” series, is set to initiate an NFT auction for its latest...
In a world where the pandemic has reshaped how we interact with art, technology, particularly in the form of Non-Fungible...
The upcoming NFT drop of Herbert W. Franke’s ‘ZENTRUM‘ stands as a monumental event in the NFT art world. Scheduled...
The crypto industry should focus on building blockchain-based solutions everybody can benefit from instead of launching cash grabs for brands,...
In an era where the digital realm is increasingly merging with our reality, Roblox, a titan in the gaming world,...
The curtain slightly lifted at #ApeFestHK, revealing BMW’s tantalizing foray into the enigmatic realm of Web3. While details remain under...
In the wake of the NFT market's multi-year downturn, many artists who once thrived are now navigating a challenging and...
A Web3 Celebration Unlike Any Other Returning for its third consecutive year, Deadfellaz Infected has expanded its digital footprint like...
Welcome to the latest edition of Cointelegraph’s Nifty Newsletter. Keep reading to stay up-to-date with the latest stories on nonfungible...
In the ever-evolving world of NFTs, innovation is the cornerstone of progress. Enter Shipyard, a groundbreaking initiative that’s poised to...