2021 seemed like the year cryptocurrency grew up. Bitcoin broke out of its three-year bear market in November 2020, going...
On Halloween 2008, a month and a half after the Lehman Brothers’ spectacular collapse, Bitcoin started the monetary revolution we’re...
Clearing one’s mind and gazing into the machinery of the economic world, one is left with little besides absolute awe.Humanity’s...
I’m not a big fan of governments, and I’m really not a fan of bloated bureaucracies. I harbor the controversial...
FreedomThe opportunity to reach one’s full potentialAs the nobility of European society increasingly accrued more of the wealth of their...
Bitcoin is poised to exponentially transform the world as we currently know it. It is said that 100 years of...
It is in decentralization that nature dwells. In centralization, we have seen only masks; we have seen only rogues who...
The Week Of Political AdvocatesThis week turned out to be rather interesting as politicians across the world sent out pro-bitcoin...
Here at Bitcoinist, we’re going to let the people speak. It’s been one week since the first country adopted bitcoin...
First off, I recently read Aleksander Svetski’s article “Bitcoiners Are the Remnant, The Masses Don’t Matter.” It hit a chord...