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Exploring the Future of Immersive Internet: Top Trends for the Next Decade

Beyond The Metaverse: Top Immersive Internet Trends For The Next Decade

Do you remember what the internet of the past looked like? Static webpages that took an age to load, blurry JPG images and lots of garishly colored text and backgrounds, those were the days!

Well, the internet of 2035 will look as different from today’s internet as today’s internet looks from that.

In the twenty-plus years that it has dominated our lives, the internet has evolved to become more immersive, accessible, user-friendly and social. Although it’s difficult for anyone to predict anything as far as ten years into the future, one thing I’m sure of is that this evolution will continue.

Ten years ago, if you’d asked someone what the internet is, they would have been pretty sure it revolved around web pages viewed on a computer screen. Today, the online experience is built around apps, devices, streaming services and virtual worlds. Thanks to advances in augmented reality (AR), we even see it encroaching into the real world.

So, gazing into my long-distance crystal ball, here are five of the trends that I believe will define what it means to be “online” as we head toward the year 2035. And – spoiler alert – yes, there will probably still be cat memes.

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