
Cryptocurrency News

The Contribution of BTC, ETH, and NFTs in Ukraine’s Resistance Against Russian Invasion

1 min read

The support from the crypto community for Ukraine during the war has been immense, with donations coming from both well-known individuals and ordinary citizens. This united effort showcases the crypto community’s commitment to fighting for justice.

It is evident that Bitcoin and the entire crypto community have the power to create significant change, as demonstrated once again in this article.

How have BTC, ETH, and NFTs helped Ukraine in difficult times?

In response to the urgent need to support Ukraine in its fight against the occupiers, many members of the crypto community have swiftly transferred cryptocurrencies to verified charitable foundations. Donating in digital assets is particularly advantageous for Ukraine, as time is of the essence and blockchain transactions can be completed quickly, unlike traditional banking systems.

Furthermore, this form of charitable giving makes it easier for donors to contribute, as it eliminates the involvement of third parties who may inquire about the source of the donated BTC.

Government Funds

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